CONFUSED BY VOTE-BY-MAIL? If you have not renewed your Vote-By-Mail request since you voted in 2022, your status may have to renew it before this election. If you are unsure whether your Vote-By-Mail status is still current, check out the All Voting is Local website. for answers. |
DEMOCRACY GUIDE 101 Levers of Power Find answers to everything you need to know from the definition of a democracy to the duties of elected officials at the federal, state and local levels. To often we focus on the presidential election and don't realize the issues about which we care most deeply are decided at the local level. Review this guide created by All Voting is Local Florida and be informed. Guía Democracia 101 en españolf answers. |
BE AWARE OF SCAMS! In 2022 the Lake County Supervisor of Elections sent an alert to voters about scammers contacting voters, claiming to be from the SOE office. This is likely to happen this year and in other counties as well. If you receive a suspicious message, contact your SOE to confirm whether the communication came from them. If you vote by mail, the SOE will contact you if your ballot needs to be cured. |