Our local League works tirelessly to empower voters through
- registering voters
- educating the public with our Speakers Bureau presentations and community events
- creating voter guides with information about all local candidates and ballot issues
- hosting candidate forums and meet-and-greets so voters can hear from their local candidates
- maintaining a public website as a resource to voters seeking information about voting and how to connect with their elected officials.
VOTER EDUCATION The League of Women Voters of Florida Education Fund conducts voter service and citizen education activities. It is a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organization, which:
LOCAL ACTION League of Women Voters takes action on an issue or advocates for a cause when there is an existing League position that supports the issue or speaks to the cause. Positions result from a process of study. Any given study, whether it be National, State, or Local, is thorough in its pursuit of facts and details. As the study progresses, a continuing discussion of pros and cons of each situation occurs. Prior to the results of the study being presented to the general membership, study committee members fashion consensus questions that are then addressed by the membership. Additional discussion, pro and con, takes place as members (not part of the study committee) learn the scope of the study. After the members reach consensus, the board forms positions based on that consensus. It is the consensus statement - the statement resulting from the consensus questions - that becomes a position. Firm action or advocacy can then be taken on the particular issue addressed by the position. Without a position, action/advocacy cannot be taken. |