Common Mistakes:
that will invalidate your ballot
Scroll down to find instructions for correcting any mistakes.

MISTAKE #1: Not putting your ballot in the sleeve
It is easy to mistake the Secrecy Sleeve for instructions (and even throw it out.) However, if you simply put the ballot in the envelope without inserting it in the sleeve, it will not be counted.

MISTAKE #2: Using the wrong envelope
Your name is on the envelope beneath the bar code. If two people in your household vote by mail, make sure you put your ballot in the right envelope. (Don't ask me how I know you might switch envelopes.)

MISTAKE #3: Signature
The most common reason VBM ballots are rejected is a a bad signature. If your signature has changed since you requested your VBM ballot, go the Supervisor of Elections office to update it.
If your handwriting hasn't changed, make sure you sign your name the way it appears on the envelope. (e.g., Did you use your middle initial? Middle name?)

MISTAKE #4: Putting 2 Ballots in 1 Envelope
Sure. Postage keeps getting more expensive, so it's tempting to put two ballots in the same envelope.
If you do, neither ballot will be counted.
You can check the status of your ballot on your county website. If your ballot was accepted, the RECEIVED arrow (#3) ) will be blue. Vote By Mail ballots are not COUNTED (#4) until Election Day.
Lake County
Marion County
Sumter County
You will not see the RECEIVED status immediately. Give it a week . . . or more if you mailed the ballot. If your VBM ballot status is still not received, contact your county's Supervisor of Election.
Correcting Mistakes
If you made a mistake that invalidated your ballot or envelope, you can vote in person. Bring the unmarked ballot with you to the polls during Early Voting or on Election Day. Tell the poll workers you want to cast your ballot in person. They will void your VBM ballot and give you another. If you did not receive or you lost your VBM ballot, you may cast a provisional ballot. Your vote will not be counted until it can be determined your VBM ballot wasn't submitted.
If the problem is with your envelope, you can take your VBM materials to your Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office and request another.
Your SOE is required to notify you as soon as practical if your signature is missing or does not match the one on record. (That is why some counties request your phone and email address on the envelope.) To have your ballot counted, you must complete a Vote-by-Mail Ballot Cure Affidavit (Form DS-DE 139 - English PDF / Español PDF) and return it with a copy of your identification. These two documents can be returned by mail, email, fax, or in person. The deadline to submit the form and the ID is no later than 5 p.m.on the 2nd day after an election.
If the problem is with your envelope, you can take your VBM materials to your Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office and request another.
Your SOE is required to notify you as soon as practical if your signature is missing or does not match the one on record. (That is why some counties request your phone and email address on the envelope.) To have your ballot counted, you must complete a Vote-by-Mail Ballot Cure Affidavit (Form DS-DE 139 - English PDF / Español PDF) and return it with a copy of your identification. These two documents can be returned by mail, email, fax, or in person. The deadline to submit the form and the ID is no later than 5 p.m.on the 2nd day after an election.